In poll after poll, Americans consistently say they want to die at home. Hospicare, like all hospices, is set up to help our patients do just that. When patients choose…
The Hospicare Blog
Myths and Truths about Pain and Pain Medicine
by Eric Lessinger, MD As Medical Director of Hospicare & Palliative Care Services, I spent a considerable amount of time addressing issues related to pain and its treatment. Some people…
3 Reasons to Choose Hospicare As Soon As You Can
November is National Hospice Month when our nation recognizes the importance of professional, compassionate end-of-life care. Patients are eligible for hospice when a doctor has certified they have six months…
Lucky 13th on August 13
Women Swimmin’ 2016 The 13th Annual Women Swimmin’ for Hospicare took place on Saturday, August 13, 2016—and luck was smiling down on us! The morning was warm and muggy, but…
I was a Designated Hugger
by Kira Lallas, LMSW As a bereavement counselor for Hospicare, part of my job is to reach out to loved ones of those who’ve died on hospice services. This can…
Finding Comfort In Everyday Things
When a Mother Dies Three months after I started working at Hospicare my mother died of complications from Alzheimer’s Disease. I thought I would be prepared for her death. After…
Playing for the Dying: A Poignant Journey and a Sacred Experience
When people learn that I play therapeutic harp for Hospicare’s patients, they are often surprised. Usually they imagine the music is a performance or entertainment. The truth is that the…
It’s an Honor to Volunteer at Hospicare
by Cheryl Jewell I started volunteering at the Nina K. Miller Hospicare Residence in April 2012.I have learned something special from each individual I have encountered.I have been moved by…
For Volunteers » (aside)
Hospicare volunteers help the people they serve live every moment of life to the fullest. Volunteers are an integral part of the team who can offer companionship, reading aloud, running…
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Are you wondering if it’s time to call Hospicare? Click the button to learn more, or call us at 607-272-0212 and ask about having an informational session with our staff.…