Please see our calendar below for more details. Some are held online while others are in-person.
Our interactive online calendar allows you to view events by month, week or day. Click on each event title for more information, including description and details about how to RSVP. Hospicare has a list of online grief resources that may be of assistance.
Throughout the year, Hospicare holds many events and programs, including ongoing grief support groups and special one-time or limited-time sessions. Hospicare also holds fundraising activities and outreach and educational events.
Grief Support Groups
Grief Camp for Youth: “Hope for a New Day” Story Workshop
OnlineWhen someone we love dies our whole world changes and so do we. In this one-hour Zoom workshop with Regi Carpenter, award winning storyteller, we are going to explore ways to grieve, celebrate and grow into a new experience after death. This workshop is most appropriate for youth ages 6-16. Join us for an interactive and meaningful…
Grief Camp for Youth: How to Support your Grieving Child
OnlineThis group meeting for parents, caregivers and guardians on how to support your grieving child or teen. Plenty of time for questions and discussion will be provided. This is a one-hour Zoom workshop hosted by Laura Ward, Manager of Psychosocial Services. Session will be recorded, and video will be available afterwards for those that cannot…
Grief Camp for Youth: Closing Session
OnlineLaura Ward, Manager of Psychosocial Services, will conclude the week with a special screening of everyone's art project. She will also read the Lifetimes book and say a special goodbye and thank you to all who participated. Video will be posted on YouTube and available afterwards.
ONLINE: Coping with Grief During Covid-19
Coping with Grief During Covid-19 with Hospicare and Laura Ward, LMFT, CT Hosted by Tompkins County Public Library. Registration required. Call 607-272-0212 or email Tuesday August 25th from 4:00-5:00pm on Zoom. Covid-19 has disrupted the flow of our lives in many ways. We grieve the loss of independence, freedom, social connections with others, activities and…
Coping with Grief During Covid – Webinar
Coping with Grief During COVID with Hospicare and Laura Ward, LMFT, CT Tuesday, September 22, 12-1pm on Zoom Hosted by Cortland Free Library. Offered for free but registration is required. Email or call 607-272-0212 for more details. Covid-19 has disrupted the flow of our lives in many ways. We grieve the loss of independence,…
Online Spousal Loss Support Group
OnlineThis 5-week group held online on Zoom offers men and women who have experienced the loss of a spouse or partner the opportunity to process their loss in a supportive and confidential setting. Participants must commit to all 5 sessions. Registration is required by October 1st. Contact Laura Ward via phone at 607-272-0212 or this…
Self Massage and Muscle Tension Relief
OnlineThis workshop will explore ways to care for and nourish our bodies to support the process of grieving. We will teach self-care methods to help relieve muscle tension and encourage relaxation, and talk about self-massage, as well as ways to use our community resources for massage and wellness. Materials provided. Instructor: Meredith Carpenter. Class size…
ONLINE Winter Solace Community Memorial
A memorial event welcoming all in our community who are grieving, regardless of whether your loved one died on Hospicare’s services.
ONLINE: Coping with the Holidays
OnlineHoliday time can be especially difficult after the death of a loved one. Learn about ways to take care of yourself and honor your feelings as we head into the holiday season. Includes a presentation followed by a discussion and support group. Registration is required by December 4th. Contact the Bereavement staff via phone at…
Grieving Together Ongoing Support Group
OnlineThis group is for anyone 18 years of age or older grieving a loss, regardless of when the death occurred. Held via Zoom and registration is required to attend your first session. You must reside in Tompkins or Cortland County to participate. Contact Liz Wood via email to register. Details will be conveyed to all…