These past few months have been some of our family’s most difficult. But in many ways, they have also been some of our best. As we head into the holidays — a hard time for many of us as we cope with memories of loved ones — I want to share my story with you, my Hospicare family.
My mom — known as Ruthie to all who loved her — lived a long, good life. An amazing, supportive mother to my brother and me, mom enjoyed spoiling her grandkids and great-grandkids.
Playing bridge, bowling, and a series of Boston terriers (all named Muggsy) kept her smiling and laughing. She was so committed to Syracuse University sports that she refused to consider giving up her season tickets until she was in her mid-90s. To support her beloved Orangemen, she never left a game before the final buzzer, no matter how painfully lopsided the score.
Mom enjoyed scotch and martinis. In fact, an extra-dry martini, straight up with a twist, was one of the last pleasures she enjoyed at Hospicare, thanks to the rapid and kind assistance of the staff of Northside Wine & Spirits in Ithaca.
Last spring, at 98 years old, mom’s health began to decline. She and our family made the decision together to move her to Hospicare for her final days. In the residence, she could still be close to us while being cared for in a quiet, calm, supportive environment. The decision made a huge difference in her quality of life and in the quality of time our family had with her. Instead of worrying about logistics and details, we were able to focus on her and on us and on building happy final memories.
As a board member and the chair of our Development & Community Relations committee, I’m often in a position to talk about why I give to Hospicare. Over the years, I have gotten to see so many amazing examples of philanthropy in action —

but of course, seeing your gifts put to work for my mom and our family brought it home in a striking and vivid way.
When you make a gift to Hospicare, you support patients and their families in many ways. You supply medications and medical equipment to make patients comfortable, and you soothe their souls with music and companionship. You provide meals, personal care and help with household tasks to ease the stress on caregivers. And you offer counseling and spiritual support to patients and bereavement services to their families as they transition to a new chapter in their lives.
Your gifts matter, and I hope you will join me in making a donation to Hospicare before the end of the year. Together, we ensure that every member of our community can live out their final days with peace and dignity, and that their families are emotionally supported through the journey.
I expect my grief will continue long into the new year, but my sadness is tempered by the wonderful laughs and sweet moments my family and I shared with mom in her final few months, thanks to Hospicare… and to you. Thank you!
(Make your end of year gift here, by sending a check to Hospicare, 172 East King Road, Ithaca, NY 14850, or by calling 607-272-0212.)