This is a two column block. Inside each column is a heading, photo and paragraph. test test
Sign up for Services »
Anyone can contact Hospicare to begin the referral process; the referral does not have to begin with a physician. To begin the process, call our admissions staff at 607-272-0212.
Get Involved »
Hospicare relies on the generosity of our community to provide gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Become an important part of the fabric of our organization as a volunteer, a donor, or by attending one of our events.
Advance Care Planning »
End-of-life planning creates peace of mind for yourself, and is a gift to the people you love most. Hospicare is here to support you every step of the way, from explaining the important forms to have on file and offering tips to start conversations with loved ones.
For Medical Community»
Our individualized, patient- and family-centered care is based on the principles of comfort, dignity, and choice. Whether you are a patient, family member or a part of the medical community, It’s never too early to call and ask questions.