An event every week that begins at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, repeating until May 21, 2024
This in-person group held at Longview Senior Living Community is for anyone 18 years of age or older grieving a loss, regardless of when the death occurred. Open to residents of Longview and other community members who reside in Tompkins or Cortland Counties. This group meets every Tuesday starting on January 9th, and will continue until May 21st, excluding the March 12th meeting which is canceled. Meetings will be held at Longview Senior Living Community, 1 Bella Vista Drive, Ithaca, NY. Go to the main entrance and you will be directed to the meeting room.
Registration is required. Please contact us via email or call Liz Wood at 607-272-0212. Longview residents can complete registration paperwork on site.