Hospice is a philosophy of care, not a place. Hospice comes to you, wherever you are and wherever you need us. We provide care throughout Tompkins and Cortland counties. See our coverage area for more details.
At home
We all look to home as a place to rest and receive comfort. Many people nearing the end of a terminal illness want to be at home. Hospicare helps make that work when possible by bringing physical, emotional and spiritual care directly to you. We will also provide support for your family and caretakers.
In a care facility or hospital
The same hospice care we provide at home is also available for those who reside in nursing homes, hospitals or other care facilities. In all settings, we arrange for medications, equipment and supplies related to the illness, and give caregivers instruction and support. However, Hospicare cannot provide supplies for personal care.
In our six-bed residence
The residence at the Nina K. Miller Hospicare Center, on our 11-acre site on Ithaca’s South Hill, offers private rooms and 24-hour care for six residents. It offers a place for people whose caregivers are no longer able to care for them or for those who live alone without adequate support or no longer have a home in which to live.
Our hospice team will provide you and your family with end-of-life care that addresses your physical, emotional and spiritual needs, wherever you call home.