An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday, repeating until April 16, 2020
Grief and Wellness in Uncertain Times – Online Support for Hospicare Community
Our team will share resources and guided wellness practices for our extended Hospicare family. All programs will be recorded live on Facebook and will be available after on our Facebook page, blog ( and our Instagram page (@hospicareNY).
***Grief in Uncertain Times***
Monday March 23, 2020 12:00-12:15pm
Join Laura Ward, Bereavement Counselor, to learn about Grief and how it might be showing up for you right now. She will also share heartfelt ways that you can incorporate wellness habits into your daily routine.
***Wellness in Uncertain Times***
Join us for our bi-weekly 15 minute wellness sessions (Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am). Presentations are by our interdisciplinary Hospicare team. Series will continue until we are able to host our support groups again (currently on hold till 4/15)
Tues March 24, 10am – Guided Meditation with Laura Ward
Thurs March 26, 10am – Breathing for Relaxation with Sara Worden
Tues March 31, 10am – Therapeutic Harp with Jayne Demakos
Thurs April 2, 10am – Tools for Senior Isolation with Jen Gabriel
Tues April 7, 10am – Spiritual Guidance with Edie Reagan
Thurs April 9, 10am – Gentle Stretching with Sara Worden
Tues April 14, 10am – Therapeutic Harp with Jayne Demakos
Thur April 16, 10am – End of Life planning documents with Kira Lallas
All programs will be recorded live on Facebook and will be available after on our Facebook page, blog ( and our Instagram page (@hospicareNY).
Series is free but donations are appreciated.
Questions? Please contact Sara Worden, Assistant Director of Community Engagement at